Learn The Thompson Method
If you could avoid common breastfeeding complications,
why wouldn't you?

Breastfeeding Club VIP Support Group
Gain lifetime access to our private Facebook group supported by Dr Robyn and her team. Ask questions and feel your confidence build as you engage with this passionate, vibrant community of empowered women offering 24/7 guidance and support.

Birth Plan Template (with breastfeeding)
Download Dr Robyn's master doc. and template so that you can create your own birth and breastfeeding plan, based on 50 years experience as a midwife.
Your healthcare team will know exactly what's important to you, and how they can best support you.

The Prenatal Birth Sessions
Learn about the progress and stages of labour, how to advocate for yourself, how to plan for a gentle birth & breastfeeding experience and so much more!
Includes a LIVE Palpation Session so you can see how to palpate your baby!

How to Start Breastfeeding
Understand how breast milk is produced in those first 72 - 96 hours, so you feel confident, and know what to do immediately after birth so your baby is more likely to receive your breast milk and experience a positive start to your breastfeeding journey.

Avoid Painful Nipples
Learn a gentle positioning method to help avoid or relieve painful, grazed, or damaged nipples—even if you've previously experienced nipple pain or trauma.
In Dr Robyn's experience, nipple trauma the #1 Reason why women stop breastfeeding.

How to Sustain Breastfeeding
Discover the key principles to breast milk production so that you feel reassured that your baby is getting enough breast milk.
Understand how breast milk volume fluctuates depending on the situation.

Gentle Positioning & Techniques
Learn evidence-based positioning techniques developed over decades of experience that prioritize gentle, comfortable feeding experiences. Our gentle approach supports comfortable feeding experiences for both mother and baby.

Breast Engorgement & Mastitis
Avoid or find relief through soothing techniques that decrease pressure from engorged breasts and help reduce the risk of developing mastitis and infection. By understanding why it occurs, you'll be able to reduce your risk of having to endure mastitis in the first place.

Understanding Your Baby's Cues
Our educational approach helps you understand your baby's feeding cues and behaviors.
Learn evidence-based techniques that support calm feeding experiences for both you and your baby, focusing on gentle, responsive care.

Expressing, Pumping & Low Milk Volume
Find out how to gently express your breasts (by hand, with a hand pump, or electric breast pump) for hormone stimulation, rather than for extracting milk.
Expressing should not be painful or stressful. If you need to express, we're here for you

Breastfeeding with Bottles, Teats, & Nipple Shields
Learn the most effective way to minimize complications when introducing bottle feeding. Plus, learn how you can gently transition from nipple shields back to breastfeeding, if that's what you'd like to do.
Whatever you choose, we support you.

Teething, Weaning, & Returning to Work
Receive helpful guidance for breastfeeding a teething baby, understand when and how to transition to solid food, and know what behavioural changes to expect along the way. Plus, learn how to prepare for and continue breastfeeding when returning to work.
Free Bonuses
For a smooth, pain-free start to breastfeeding

bonus #1
Shortcut Blueprint to Pain-Free Breastfeeding
These five videos guide you toward pain-free breastfeeding and away from engorgement and mastitis during the 3 Golden Hours (the hours immediately following birth) and the following 3-5 days as your milk comes in.

bonus #2
The 3 Golden Hours + The First Few Days
Get a jump start on a successful breastfeeding journey with tips for making the most of your 3 Golden Hours and your first days at home. Plus, learn what to do if you're separated from your baby in the first few hours or days. (Don't worry! Everything will be OK.).

bonus #3
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Q&A Libraries
Listen in as Dr Robyn answers real-world questions from real-life mothers. The videos are organized by topic and gestational or chronological age so you can quickly access what you need.
The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Program

Although it’s difficult to acknowledge —
Many hospital systems work against a woman's ability to successfully breastfeed her baby.
✖ Forceful Techniques
The go-to breastfeeding guidance from hospitals is often forceful, out of date, and inconsistent, which can lead to painful nipple trauma and derail a women’s determination to breastfeed.
✖ The Cascade of Intervention
In the name of efficiency (read: profit), hospitals are too quick to unnecessarily intervene before and during labour putting mothers and babies at risk of additional interventions which can make it difficult to establish breastfeeding from the start.
✖ Mother-Baby Separation
Hospitals rush to conduct unnecessary routine procedures immediately after birth, which separates mother and baby, often interrupting the precious window of opportunity for skin-to-skin contact and the first breastfeed—The 3 Golden Hours.

You are the reason this course exists.
Dr Robyn Thompson, Founder
RM, RN, M&CH, BAppSc, PhD
✓ 50+ years of midwifery and breastfeeding expertise
✓ PhD specializing in breastfeeding
✓ Trusted by more than 90,000 mothers and professionals worldwide
"I would like you to be informed so you can have a pain-free breastfeeding experience."
- Dr Robyn
Breastfeeding can be overwhelming. But it doesn't have to be.

Join the
For less than the cost of one lactation consultation, you’ll have all the education and ongoing support you need—right at your fingertips, right when you need it.

Feel confident and prepared.
Discover an effortless approach to positioning and latching, know how to establish and maintain your breast milk supply, and enjoy gentle breastfeeding right from the start.

Breastfeed for as long as you choose
Even as you encounter challenges, you’ll feel at ease knowing Dr Robyn, her team, and our incredible community have your back at any stage of your birth and breastfeeding journey.
Real Women. Real Experiences.
Be Inspired by Their Powerful Stories.