Breastfeeding After C-Section Success Stories
Read stories from our members who were able to successfully breastfeed even after a planned or emergency C-Section using The Thompson Method.

After struggling with breastfeeding after a C Section for her first 2 babies, Joanne's experience for her third was a dream.
“All three babies have been C-Sections and I’ve had problems feeding my previous two babies. And this time it’s just been a dream. I always doubted myself. Being my third baby, I thought I had nothing to lose by getting this information and it’s probably the best thing I’ve done so far.”
~ Joanne
After an unexpected C Section, Esther followed the principles of The Thompson Method and was able to breastfeed her baby til 15 months.
“I always considered myself to be a strong, independent woman but I was left feeling completely vulnerable in the hospital system. Lots of different perspectives on what to do and they recommended going on formula. I’m so fortunate to be able to say that I’ve breastfeed my daughter for 15 months. And I have Dr Robyn Thompson to thank for that.”
~ Esther
Caesarean Birth Breastfeeding Success Stories
Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amber C
First time mum successfully breastfeeding after emergency c section
FTM and my sweet baby girl came into this world early this morning at 39weeks+3. While I had planned on having a natural, unmedicated birth baby had other plans which resulted in me having an emergency cesarean. Despite the hiccup in my birth plan the one thing that I was confident in going as planned was the breastfeeding — and it’s because of this program. Baby is successfully feeding with little to no discomfort and it’s because of the knowledge I was able to gain from the program during my pregnancy.
If anyone is debating paying for the program and is currently expecting I have to say that it is worth EVERY PENNY. The lactation consultant was almost surprised at how well baby was feeding. We had a few issues finding a good latch on her second feed but I was confidently able to correct it with the knowledge I’ve gained from The Thompson Method.

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Gosia M
While in the hospital we've seen and experienced first hand some appalling practices where by midwife was forcing crying and screaming baby to mother's breast.
Introducing our son Marko. He's 5 days old and resting and digesting on daddy's lap. We had a long and traumatic 72hr birth and ended up having c-section on Monday morning. We had to stay in a hospital as bubs need antibiotics and this picture was taken 40min after we brought him home for the first time. We are so proud of him!
My milk finally came and over next days and weeks we will be working on breastfeeding.
While in the hospital we've seen and experienced first hand some appalling practices where by midwife was forcing crying and screaming baby to mother's breast. I can not believe that this is still happening!
Although this is my first child, instinctively I know that gentle and loving approach is what we both need and we both love when daddy is taking part in this process as well. This program gave both me and my husband confidence to listen to our instincts and use hints and tips as a guide. Thank you Dr Thompson, all administrators who answer questions on this fb group and the whole breastfeeding club community for sharing their stories and supporting each other!

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Megan L
Thanks to The Thompson Method we were able to have our baby VBAC and unmedicated
Thank you so much for the advice from admin and members! We were scheduled for an unwanted C-section tomorrow morning but our lady had other plans, Mireya was born at 10:52 this morning after labor began through the night. The doctor on call listened to all of our concerns, thanks to my confidence being boosted from this group, and we were able to have our baby VBAC and unmedicated. She latched immediately and fed for almost two hours! So glad to be part of such a wonderful group!

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Manu O
Over 2 years of breastfeeding after planned c-section thanks to The Thompson Method
Dr Robyn & Joanne, I’ve been wanting to hop on to say thank you for the wonderful work you’re doing. I’ve been breastfeeding for just over 2 years now! You empowered me with knowledge & education that made it possible for me to even consider breastfeeding post 3 months then 6 months .. 12 months ... and now 2 years. No other mum in my group of friends here have done this. We’ve been so lucky to EBF, no formula/no express to bottle - which was purely my choice. Anyway this isn’t a post to brag but to sincerely say thank you! You’ve helped made this possible 💖 * And now on the side note to this, I’d love ideas on weaning a very determined 2 year, please 🤩🤣 * Here’s a picture of our first ever latch, 30 mins after our planned c-section. And here’s one of us on her 2nd birthday, a usual occurrence where her fursister is never far away and how she does acrobatic moves whilst on the boob! 😅

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kim Y
We decided to have the c-section and met our son that morning! He is perfect!
My sweet son, Ryan, has finally arrived! 😍 After 22 hours of contractions at home last week, we went to the hospital & I was only at 1/2cm. Since Baby Y was a week late, we opted to follow through with our scheduled induction on Wednesday night which did not come to an end until Friday morning. Friday morning, I was told we were not getting past 8cm and besides waiting, a c-section was our last resort. We decided to have the c-section and met our son that morning! 😍 He is perfect! Mama however has taken a few days to get back on her feet. Thanks to this program, I knew to hand express over the last few days & today, was finally able to pump 1/2 oz of colostrum. It’s been a trying few days but we are finally being discharged today & heading home! I’m thankful to the ladies who have shared their stories & the admin team who is always there to lend some helpful advice! 💕

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ashlee K
Liquid Gold 48 hours post emergency c section and 30.1 weeks pre term delivery
Liquid Gold 48 hours post emergency c section and 30.1 weeks pre term delivery 🙌🙌🙌pumping only cause baby boy is in NICU. Thank you to this program!!!

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jade W
Latched straight away even after an emergency c-section
Rest and Digest at 4 hours old! Elijah was born by emergency c-section (19/12/20) after his heart rate dropped due to having the cord around his neck. After brief intervention he was placed skin to skin in theatre and latched straight away. Thanks to the programme my first time mummy nerves were settled instantly. So grateful.

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Stephanie L
Despite C Section and extreme sleepiness my daughter is now 12 weeks old, and has exclusively breastfed this entire time. I NEVER thought this was possible after 2 extremely horrific experiences trying to breastfeed my two sons.
In the spirit of the holidays, I just want to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Robyn Thompson, Joanne Thompson, Kelly Faytrouni, Sarah J Harris, this entire program, and the community of amazing mamas in the club.
I apologize for the long post, but just want to share my story. My daughter is now 12 weeks old, and has exclusively breastfed this entire time. I NEVER thought this was possible after 2 extremely horrific experiences trying to breastfeed my two sons.
Because of this program and the endless support of Dr. Robyn and her team, my daughter and I have been able to breastfeed without ceasing, despite a c-section and her resultant extreme sleepiness (that lasted for over 3 weeks), very early nipple trauma that did not fully resolve for 10 weeks, flat nipples, a few episodes of clogged milk ducts, and one bout of mastitis. Not only did I learn how to persevere in this journey despite challenges once my daughter was born through multiple breastfeeding rescues with Dr. Robyn and the endless support of her team, but I was undoubtedly empowered and set up for success ahead of time through a pre-birth consultation to discuss my previous experiences, as well as being educated on the importance of developing a plan and knowing and exercising my rights (that were very clearly communicated and respected by my OB and labor and delivery nurses prior to and after my daughter’s birth).
I wanted NOTHING more to breastfeed all of my children, and suffered from post-partum depression with my sons when I wasn’t able to successfully do so. I wish SO badly that I had known about this program and the amazing community of women behind it from the start. I cannot stress enough the value of this program, and am eternally grateful to this entire team for being so instrumental in my breastfeeding journey.
I so wish I could do more to thank you all for helping me to achieve success and for enabling me to have such a meaningful, life-changing experience. You are doing amazing work!! ❤️❤️❤️

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jessica C
Rushed in for emergency c section, she latched like a pro & has gained her birth weight back in less than a week
Saw a positive post in here the other day and wanted to jump on the bandwagon! Before giving birth, I was so afraid things wouldn’t go well. I went back and forth on if I should purchase the program. I had several friends share their stories with me including getting postpartum depression because they weren’t able to breastfeed.
I decided I wanted to do everything I could to be prepared and purchased the program. After 14 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing, we had to be rushed into an emergency c-section. Even though it was an hour after she was born for our first feed and skin to skin, she latched like a pro and we’ve been doing 10-12 feeds a day ever since! Everyone at the hospital was so impressed with her and how well she did. She even gained her birth weight back in less than a week! Thanks so much Dr. Thompson! Even though I didn’t get the birth story I had planned for, our breastfeeding journey is going even better than I hoped for! ❤️

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kristina
The Thompson Method allowed me to be prepared to have an induction and emergency c section without losing confidence in my ability to breastfeed.
I wanted to share some good news. Baby boy had his check up the other day. After birth he was in the 10th percentile and now at 2 months he is at the 75th! Went from 6lb 12 oz to 14 lbs!
I wanted to thank this program for the knowledge and support to help me exclusively breastfeed my baby. 💕
It allowed me to be prepared to have an induction and emergency c-section without losing confidence in my ability to breastfeed. Knowing what to do made all the difference.

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ashlee K
Some things don't go as planned...emergency c section due to IUGR but I'm so glad I educated myself for breastfeeding with The Thompson Method
Somethings don’t go as planned. I think the only thing you can do is be prepared for the unexpected to happen. One month Old and he is thriving on 💯 momma made milk. 1 pound 14 oz at birth 30.1 weeks GA and now 3 pounds 9 oz. at 34.3 weeks GA. Had a emergency c section due to IUGR found at 29 weeks. 48 hours later full on liquid gold!
Exclusively pumping is hard, being a NICU momma and the rollercoaster is hard. Having to watch your baby get a blood transfusion and countless test because they are trying to find the answers to the issue they can’t explain other than just premie complications gut wrenching. Yet here he is strong happy and giving the nurses heck every chance he gets (personally o think he likes the attention). ❤️💯 so glad I set out to educate myself for breastfeeding and found the Thompson Method. Never once did my medical team not support me in my goals. More importantly I know when we finally get the chance to breastfeed I have amazing support along the way.

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Anna F
"...they pushed bottles and did not support breastfeeding..."
I post on here a lot for advice but this one is just a post to say thank you. 1 month old EBF and I’m not sure I could have done the breastfeeding journey without this program. So different than my son who started in the nicu. They pushed bottles and did not support the breastfeeding journey.
We hired lactation consultants for him who only made things more stressful... They pushed that he had tongue and lip ties (which my doctor said maybe he had a little but was against the surgery thankfully).
I fought for 6 months with him with nipple covers, pumping, donated breast milk, and formula. It was aweful. I’m so glad I decided to make the purchase of Dr. Robyns program literally in the hospital while waiting for my c-section with my daughter. I have already recommended the program and will continue to do so. I’m sure I’ll post a million more questions but for now saying thank you ❤️

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarah R
After 36 hours of labouring, had a c girl latched but it hurt, switched to The Thompson Method and am now pain free.
"Finally had our baby girl today via c section. Elizabeth Is 8 lbs 9 oz and 20.5 inches long. She had a stressful entrance into the world... 36 hours of laboring to figure out her head was stuck in my pelvis. Made no progress from 9cm dilated. Doctor and we opted for a C Section since I was absolutely exhausted and ready to just have this baby in my arms!
Success story... they have to monitor her for 4 hours because of the stress and she had meconium... They brought her to me for a while to breastfeed. The nurse had me hold her like a football due to my csection cut. Baby girl latched right on but it hurt. Nurse left the room and I moved her to do the Thompson method and it was pain free and she was a pro! Thank you sooo much for all of the information! We will continue practicing! "

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Angela R
Emergency C- Section...he latched instantly and I haven’t had any pain, the nurses all claimed they never seen anything like it!
"This Is Nicolas Angelo Rodriguez. Born January 22nd, 2021 at 2:08pm. We had to have an emergency c- section due to his heart rate rapidly decreasing. I was so scared 🥺 all I wanted to know was if my baby was okay. Instead of 3 golden hours we got 12 uninterrupted hours of time together.
He latched instantly and I haven’t had any pain, the nurses all claimed they never seen anything like it! We are doing great and hoping to go home tomorrow. Thank you Thompson Method for helping me prepare for the unexpected!🏆 Update: forgot to mention he was 9lbs 5oz and 20.5 inches long!"

Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Beth D
C- Section breastfeeding success story | No formula, no bottles, no dummy, no stress!
"Breastfeeding success: one of my favourite photos so far of my girls, my eldest breastfeeding her doll while I feed her baby sister 🥰 I am so glad I found this program. I haven't wanted to jynx my breastfeeding success but my second daughter is 4 weeks old tomorrow and we have exclusively breastfed! My first everything went wrong, her first feed was formula because she wouldn't latch and I wasn't educated, the hospital put me on shields, she had to be drip fed, did breast refusal from 6 weeks, had to pump all the time, supply issues, she had a dummy and it destroyed a lot of confidence I had as a first time mum and really impacted my mental health. Fast forward 4.5 years and educating myself in birth and breastfeeding. Today I can finally say I can trust my instincts and my body to feed my baby! Quinn was born at 5.2kgs which made me nervous trying to keep up with her needs but she's been a dream.
No formula, no bottles, no dummy, no stress. Both my girls were born via c section but two very different birthing and breastfeeding experiences."
Breastfeeding C Section / The Thompson Method Reviews
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sariah O
C- Section breastfeeding success story | I experienced the most peaceful, stressless and pain free breastfeeding first week with my baby. I'm beyond amazed.
A week ago today I had my third Son after a 10 year gap. During my pregnancy I stumbled across a video of Dr. Thompson and was immediately drawn in to her message on Breastfeeding as my two previous sons I had experienced every breastfeeding issue you can have. To be honest when she spoke of little to no pain breast feeding, I didn't believe her as much as I wanted to, when it's the only way you've experienced breastfeeding and the same with every other woman around you, it is kinda hard to believe. I sat on the fence about purchasing her program and just watched as many of the videos she put out on social media. About four weeks out from Birth I stopped being a skeptical tart Lols and bought her $99 program. I didn't have time to watch every single video, in fact I was pissed at myself for not getting it when I first saw it as I could have got more from it over the course of my pregnancy. I prepared my birth plan and unfortunately it got thrown out the window because of an emergency c section. However, to the best of my ability under the stressful and traumatic circumstances, as soon as baby was able to be placed on me I started to follow as best I could what I could remember from the videos I watched.
Apart from a few midwives trying to shove baby's head onto my nipple and me telling them to back off I experienced the most peaceful, stressless and pain free breastfeeding first week with my baby. I'm beyond amazed. It felt so easy, so right and what every mother deserves to experience. I'm so grateful I stumbled across that video six months ago. Thank you Dr Thompson.
Breastfeeding C Section / The Thompson Method Reviews
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ashlee K
Worried about breastfeeding after a c section or having an emergency c section, or delivering early? It is possible!
"For anyone worried about c section, having an emergency, or delivering early... it is possible! We finally did it while in the NICU! I had to stand my ground on my wishes to breastfeed and they will now do weights before and after until we go home (next week❤️❤️❤️). It took us some time for this 37 week premie to figure it out, but he latched and fed for 10 minutes until he fell asleep.
No reflux, no Brady’s or desaturations. He started doing this today after being fed a bottle and rush to finish... He has never been so content after feeds🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼. Lactation and nurses were shocked how well he did even for a premie and how gentle and easy it went. “We never expect a latch much less a baby to feed the first try”! I literally was in tears last night because I felt like I had no say over my child or my desires as his mom while in the NICU. They didn’t want us to breastfeed because not knowing how much he gets and he would have episodes from time to time with nurses bottle feeding. Yet when I used the bottle feeding method learned from The Thompson Method no issues. A big Thank You to the Thompson Method!"
Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Destiny
Can I have still breastfeed if I have an emergency c section? "This is my 4th and final baby and the 1st one I have been able to successfully latch and feed!"
"So just wanted to share. I havent finished all the videos yet and had a ton of health problems during pregnancy. But I had a emergency c-section yesterday at 36 + 4. I wasn't able to hold my baby or do golden hours till about an hour after he was born. But once I did I was able to try to breastfeed and he latched instantly with a little help with positioning due to pain from surgery. Since then he has been doing amazing and latching every time! I may not have seen all the videos but from the few I have seen have helped so much in making me confident I can breastfeed. This is my 4th and final baby and the 1st one I have been able to successfully latch and feed!"
Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ashlee K
My Emergency C Section Breastfeeding Story: "Thank you a million times for giving me the confidence to trust my instincts, the knowledge to ask the hard questions, and question things when needed"
"Just a huge thank you to this program and Rachael Austin - Midwife. I got this program while pregnant because I was determined to breastfeed. Then nothing went right. Birth plan out the window delivered emergency c section due to IUGR @30.1, 59 days in the NICU... We’ve been home 2 weeks... when I got home we were only at one breastfeeding session a day and latching on one side only. Feeling defeated mom guilt etc., so I did a rescue.
During the 14 days we have had major feats and figured out a lot of issues going on (nipple confusion, oversupply, bottle feeding, latch, etc.). I was happy to let Rachael know today that we were breastfeeding 5/8 feeds, pain free one side, and still had hopeful plans for the chiropractor to help resolve latch on Monday. Although feeling down because of dr appointments and the system today making me second guess myself, and baby boy having painful reflux issues... yet again I was met with amazing support, encouragement and kindness from her❤️. Then we wrapped up with an amazing surprise during our feed when Augustus decided to finally just latch from the side he wouldn’t.
👏🏻😲 Finally WE had a full successful pain free feed from each side with rest and digest ... 🤷🏼♀️🙌🏼❤️💯 Thank you!
Not enough words to describe my appreciation for this program, group and professionals.
So thankful for all the help and knowledge I have received along this journey since the beginning.
Born 12/9/20 @ 1 pound 15 ounces
NICU discharge 2/8/21@4 pounds 15 ounces
2 week checkup fed breastmilk and NO additives supplements etc 2/25/21 @ 5 pounds 10 ounces.
Thank you a million times for giving me the confidence to trust my instincts, the knowledge to ask the hard questions, and question things when needed. 🙌🏼❤️💯"
Breastfeeding C Section / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Fiona C
I have no doubt that our breastfeeding journey may not have even begun or may have been curtailed without the help of Dr Robyn and the Thompson Method
Today we’ve reached our 12 months breastfeeding milestone 🙌🏽 with no plans to stop until James decides.
I’d like to thank Dr Robyn from the bottom of my heart for her help and support. I’ve been really quiet on here, but as Dr Robyn says, I followed my instincts and we found our own groove.
Our start wasn’t easy, labelled as high risk from 13 weeks, I knew that my pregnancy and birth would be highly managed in the system. The gentle birth and breastfeeding plan gave me a great template to put forth my wishes to the MFM team. I had a call with Robyn prior to birth so that I could best prepare for what lay ahead and to help with expressing colostrum which would be needed.
Born via c-section we didn’t get skin to skin, James was whisked off to special care soon after birth. I was only able to hold him for the first time at three days old, after he’d had surgery to repair an abdominal defect. For the first week he was tube fed my EBM. With the knowledge I’d gathered from the course I was able to push to get started on breastfeeding, otherwise he could have been tube fed for much longer.
I’d been very clear that no dummies or bottles were to be used, especially in my absence. I refused to let the nurses in special care force James onto my breast and ignored theirs and (the rather hopeless) lactation consultant’s recommendations to use the cross cradle hold.
With further support from Robyn, I was able to advocate for James and myself far better; things like not mixing large volumes of my EBM together for his tube feeds and got him out of there two weeks after his birth (at times it felt like we were in jail), at their slow pace we could have easily been in for another 1-2weeks. I told all of the nurses about the Thompson method and whilst I’m sure I annoyed some of them because I wasn’t being compliant and following their guidelines,
I do think some of the younger ones took notice and were going to research it more. Once home I called on Robyn again to help with positioning and a blocked duct, all resolved with her wonderful advice . I have no doubt that our breastfeeding journey may not have even begun or may have been curtailed without the help of Dr Robyn and the Thompson method program, so for that I will be forever grateful! 🤱🏽💕"