Dawn Ruth Shalom
Gympie, QLD, Australia
I have been a registered midwife for 24 years. I am originally from the UK and emigrated to Australia in 2008. In my practice as a midwife I observed so many women who struggled to breastfeed and tried so often to help them. I used all the "forceful" methods that I had been trained in, not knowing that this was not helpful. When I discovered The Thompson Method at the end of 2021, I was so inspired as I could see that there was a proven way to breastfeed that has been researched, to reduce nipple pain and trauma, and mastitis. I offer the Beautiful Breastfeeding Program to help educate pregnant women about breastfeeding. I also practice as a home birth midwife, guiding and supporting women as they prepare for their birth and breastfeeding journey.
Services Provided: Online Breastfeeding Preparation Classes (The Beautiful Breastfeeding Program), One on One Breastfeeding Consultations; Private and Home Birth Midwifery Services
Need to speak to someone: call Joanne Thompson on +61 419 315 948. Or Private Message on facebook
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