Expressing & Pumping Success Stories
Read stories from our members who were able to overcome or reduce nipple pain and/or trauma to breastfeed pain-free using The Thompson Method.

Breastfeeding PainFree After Nipple Pain
Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Katie A
I’m very happy with how everything is going and I’m so happy my baby is getting this liquid gold β€οΈβ€οΈ
Would like to say thank you to this group! Because of my disabilities I’ve found it difficult to hold my baby for the full hog, so I’ve started expressing when baby feeds. I tried it with my son and I very much felt like I was in a situation where I wasn’t ‘expressing to feed’ I was farming myself. Like I had to make more than I needed.
Well this time around I’m literally just expressing for the length of time my baby feeds from the bottle. My partner has listened to me and doesn’t gravity feed, he has her in a more upright position, he tilts the milk away from the bottle to get her to ‘stimulate’ so she doesn’t change her behaviour from what she would be doing on the breast.
But yesterday my milk came in, and this is my collection from 25 minutes pumping π I’m so so so so grateful! I’m hoping when baby is slightly more matured and stronger we can look at different ways to feed, like laying down to feed but for now I’m very happy with how everything is going and I’m so happy my baby is getting this liquid gold β€οΈβ€οΈ

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Ashlee Dove K
Pumping only cause baby boy is in NICU. Thank you to this program!!!
Liquid Gold 48 hours post emergency c section and 30.1 weeks pre term delivery ππΌππΌππΌ pumping only cause baby boy is in NICU. Thank you to this program!!!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Sarah J
....'I was formula feeding, overfeeding, expressing for hours on end, taking medication and in a very stressed state of mind....'
My husband took this picture. A moment caught in time. My baby feeding from my breast as we relaxed in a warm bath. I was looking at him thinking ‘wow, how special is this moment, a moment I will never forget’. I couldn’t help but go on to think ‘thank God I found the Breastfeeding Program and Dr Robyn, without the Breastfeeding Program and working with Dr Robyn I would never have had this moment’. You see, by the time my baby was 4 weeks old I wasn’t breastfeeding anymore, I was formula feeding, overfeeding, expressing for hours on end, taking medication and in a very stressed state of mind. Dr Robyn & the Breastfeeding Program turned that around for me, and as we lie there in our purest form, as Mother Nature intended, I felt such gratitude for the incredible work of Dr Robyn & her program π

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Yen H
This group has given me so much support and inspiration. It has gotten me over so many hurdles and fears.
This is an appreciation post to this *amazing* group which really helped me on my breast feeding journey with my second baby. I wasn’t able to successfully breast feed my firstborn for very long (only 2 months of constant struggles, tears and battles). I ended up expressing for him for 9 months and I still carry some guilt with me to this very day.
My journey this time has been completely different. I knew I needed more support and more information. So I just took the plunge and bought The Thompson Method Program. It has been one of the best decision I’ve ever made. For those new members or members who are soon to have their babies; just know you made the right choice. The ongoing support, advice and guidance you get from Dr Robyn and her team is going to make such a huge difference. I’ve always believed knowledge is power so the mere fact that you’re here today in this group is already the first stepping stone. Well done for taking that leap of faith!
My initial breast feeding goal was only 3 months. But here we are, almost 7 months later and still going strong. Sure, I’ve had some doubts but Dr Thompson addressed them in a live of hers and it really put my mind at ease. Rarely do I have to pump (only if I feel extremely full and uncomfortable). We are taking it day by day and there is no end in sight just yet for us. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to Dr Robyn and the team for all that you do. You may not know it, but this time around I felt completely in control and happy/fulfilled that I’ve been able to have a successful breast feeding journey (which was a personal goal of mine). I am aware things doesn’t always go according to plan and there may be things completely out of your control, but this group has given me so much support and inspiration. It has gotten me over so many hurdles and fears. Hang in there and trust in your bodies; as Dr Robyn always says, a mother’s instinct is never wrong. Picture below is of my nearly 7 month old baby girl who still very much loves her milk and cuddles!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Temira J
It’s thanks to The Thompson Method that we have reached this milestone and are now on our journey towards 12 months!! β€οΈπ€±πΌ
Today we celebrate 6 beautiful months of breastfeeding!! π₯° I’m so proud to have made it this far after having an initial goal of breastfeeding for 3 months, due to having feeding issues with our firstborn which saw our breastfeeding journey end before three months. I’ve recently returned to work full time and have been expressing whilst at work to ensure our little girl continues to get Mumma milk goodness!! π₯° It’s thanks to The Thompson Method that we have reached this milestone and are now on our journey towards 12 months!! β€οΈπ€±πΌ

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Adriana D
From exclusively expressing to a nipple shield to finally feeding directly on the breast.
4 months of breastfeeding this cutie! So many ups and downs but we are going strong! From exclusively expressing to a nipple shield to finally feeding directly on the breast. Our journey has been one of gaining knowledge and experience with the support of this group. Anything is possible with patience and persistence!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Kaitlyn C
She is still super content and a happy little baby. And a bonus the alleviation of stress has considerably dropped my blood pressure now too.
Long post of appreciation - Just popping in to say thank you for this group!
At 34, sure of myself and my decisions and having my first child (born 4 weeks ago) never did I think I’d question so many of the things I was doing.
I was set on EBF our baby girl who was born (induced) 39 weeks at 3.82kg - she lost 10% during the hospital stay but everything else seemed to be going great. I’d watched all the lessons on the Thompson method and feeding seemed to be going well. She slept great, fed successfully 8 times a day and woke, super alert during those times. Also she was having 8-9 wet nappies a day.
But two weeks in (our midwife visits were stressful) as she was gaining painfully slowly... 40g each week. I felt like I was failing....
At our two week check in she was still not back to birth weight (not even close) and I started to feel pressure (from some family, midwives and “friends”) and I started to question, everything. Really the advice of some older family members who kept pushing that I just go to formula was so unhelpful and makes me cranky now.
But I’ll admit I broke down in tears sobbing a few times. I decided with a super supportive GP to go on Motilium to up my supply which I felt was not where it needed to be and started pumping 7 times a day as well as feeding 2 hourly and supplementing one nighttime feed with formula. Talk about adding stress to oneself. But I had a plan, and I’m the type of “fixer” who needs a plan. Plus I started using an app to track everything - scary the amount of data I track on our baby.
I didn’t think anything was wrong with our baby but I still stressed and generally isn’t it amazing how we will as humans take on one piece of negative advice rather than hearing all the positives and encouragement?!?
My mum and husband were amazing support and that combined with this group (thank you π ) kept me believing and trusting that nothing was wrong with our baby but instead she was just a slow gainer in her own path.
On week three we hit an “average” and 170g weight gain (woohoo) but then had four days of subsequent zero gains (seriously an absolute mind mess).... doh! π© another stressful time and I finally decided to stop weighing her so frequently (mind you I spent probably 20 hours searching this forum and many others to justify my decision to go against the given advice of weighing every two days).
At four weeks (Sunday just gone) we weighed again and amazingly she’d gained 240g in the week (well really, in four days)! And had gone over the birth weight number, finally. She is still super content and a happy little baby. And a bonus the alleviation of stress has considerably dropped my blood pressure now too.
I write all this to maybe give someone else the strength when needed. Dr Robyn is right a mother’s intuition is hardly ever wrong! π₯°π₯°
(I’ve packed our baby scales away now, they weren’t helping! We plan to drop the formula feed over the next few weeks and I’m only now using a haakaa twice a day rather than full on expressing each and every feed. I’ll also taper off the medication slowly. And I’ll try and remember how as Mum’s we know what’s best!)
To all the mum’s - you’ve got this! ππ»

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Melissa M
At 10 weeks old he just latched and everyday after that he has latched and we are now at 2 months with no shield EBFπ€±ππ₯³
Hello everyone. I am 18 weeks postnatal now. I have large pendulum shaped breasts with really big flat nipples. I had lots of trouble attaching my baby from birth. So the first weeks were very stressful and upsetting for me, with expressing every 2-3 hours then using a shield. π₯± My end goal was to breastfeed with no shield so I was determined and I kept on watching the videos on this page and success stories as well as posting for help. Also with the invaluable help and support from my midwife Lee-Anna Keats (MGP) β€οΈ I persisted, trying to offer the nipple before the shield which he refused every time. At 10 weeks old he just latched and everyday after that he has latched and we are now at 2 months with no shield EBFπ€±ππ₯³ I know every baby is different but If you are going through this same issue I just wanted to give you encouragement. Keep trying mummas you got this!! π€π Thankyou TM ππΌ

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Sara M
I'll be forever grateful for this community and the amazing midwifes for all the knowledge and advices you share with us πβ€οΈ
After 6 weeks and 2 days, we finally had a no trouble perfect feeding day! From not latching, to nipple trauma, blocked ductes, pumping, syringe feeding, fussy at the breast episodes,colicky pain, expressing extra milk because of the volume... I must say I wouldn't last this long without this whole teams support! I'll be forever grateful for this community and the amazing midwifes for all the knowledge and advices you share with us πβ€οΈ big smile from my little satisfied Ramona ππ

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Kaz W
Didn't need to pump at all. Got much better sleep because of it. Much better bond with him. He's now 9 months exclusively breast fed since birth. Thank you Robyn and admins!
Just wanted to post my success story using the Thompson method.
I was told all the wrong things when I had my first baby, sustained nipple trauma, then was exclusively pumping because nursing was too painful, was way more tired than I needed to be because of the pumping, got mastitis..., had to pay a lactaction consultant $300 just to show me how to get him latching finslly. Overall just was a painful journey.
Using the Thompson method for my son: I expressed colostrum before birth which meant the pressure was off in the first couple of days, got my uninterrupted skin on skin with bub directly after birth, and got him latching correctly from day one. Only had minimal nipple trauma. Got some fine-tuning advice from this group for positioning. Didn't need to pump at all. Got much better sleep because of it. Much better bond with him.
He's now 9 months exclusively breast fed since birth. Thank you Robyn and admins! Happy Christmas!!!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Emily G
Pumped breast milk for my oldest a whole year and a week, unable to get him to nurse. Have been exclusively breastfeeding/nursing my youngest since day one, thanks to this program!
I love this program! It has helped me so much with my breastfeeding journey... I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to breastfeed and beyond. Breastfeeding is definitely not easy and this program and group has been so supportive and helpful! Here’s a picture of my boys! Pumped breast milk for my oldest a whole year and a week, unable to get him to nurse. Have been exclusively breastfeeding/nursing my youngest since day one, thanks to this program! When there are struggles keep going because success is only around the corner. When you feel down, get support, don’t wait! I struggled for so long with my first and it hurt me mentally. I wanted so badly to succeed breastfeeding/nursing with my first and I wish I would have found this group and program then. Pumping for just over a year was a struggle but I’m glad I was able to give him breast milk so I felt it was half the joy of breastfeeding (providing my own nutrition/milk to my baby). Don’t ever doubt your motherly instincts, you know how your baby is doing and what they need more than anybody. Thank you everyone for your experiences and help you provide! ππ»β€οΈ

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Emily R
I found this program when he was 3 months after his occupational therapist heard about it ! It was life changing for both of us.
We made it one year of breastfeeding on 12/20!!! We had such rough start with my preeclampsia , placental abruption , and emergency csection . His torticollis , IUGR and undiagnosed milk allergy . We combo fed , pumped , syringe fed , nursed . I found this program when he was 3 months after his occupational therapist heard about it ! It was life changing for both of us . It made our EBF experience so much easier and not painful anymore !
Mamas , I know it can we so hard those first few weeks and maybe months. It breastfeeding is what you desire , get all the help you can . Take it one day , one feed at a time . Don’t quit on bad day . Any breastmilk your baby gets is an accomplishment that should make you proud !
And to my fellow c section mamas! Push for immediate skin to skin if you desire and can . I really believe that helped our breastfeeding relationship immensely.
Above all trust your mama instincts ! You got this !β€οΈ

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Melissa D
So happy to be able to feed her from the breast! Thank you to the Thompson Method for the support and fine tuning skills!
Little Miss is 7w +4d. We tried and tried in the early weeks to breastfeed and she just would NOT latch. So we've been pumping and bottle feeding, but she's finally getting the hang of this breastfeeding gig now and she's doing so good! I'm so proud of her! We always tried, and never gave up, maybe some babies just take a little longer. So happy to be able to feed her from the breast! Thank you to The Thompson Method for the support and fine tuning skills!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Paige H
I just bought Dr. Robyn's program last night, and it has already helped us to make huge improvements with breastfeeding.
I just want to say THANK YOU!! I just bought Dr. Robyn's program last night, and it has already helped us to make huge improvements with breastfeeding. My baby is 15 weeks old, but his first 7 weeks were spent in the NICU so I was exclusively pumping during that time. Over the last 8 weeks we have been working on learning to effectively breastfeed, but I was still pretty dependent on the pump. We are almost to the point of exclusively breastfeeding, and baby and I are so much happier using Dr. Robyn's method than any of the other methods we were taught in hospital (I will never use the cross cradle hold ever again!!) Here is my happy boy after a great (and comfortable) feed!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Angelina Josephine A
The Thompson method has been such a benefit to me and my twins. This program, I highly recommend it to anyone even if you have breastfed before.
The Thompson method has been such a benefit to me and my twins. This program, I highly recommend it to anyone even if you have breastfed before. There is so much to learn. I was lucky enough to feed not only my twins but my niece who came a month later. Yes THREE babies all fed on my milk for four months, my sister is now producing more so now I’m focusing mainly on the twins. This program has made it possible for me to educate other women around me. I always say “ GET THE THOMPSON METHOD.” I could go on and on about how amazing my experience has been. The admins are amazing, Dr. Robyn most likely will not see this? But you are heaven sent, each and everyone of you for the help and support you give. They are so committed and so kind, always willing to help.
I didn’t get a chance to take a photo of my daughter but I got the other twin feeding last night, my son ! 5 months of successful breastfeeding!!! I’m still doing it just not as often. More pumping... but thanks to all you angels.... I have made it this far. I will post a photo of all three of the babies I have been feeding together π my son feeding last night, my son in his seat with my daughter on him loving each other and another of my daughter, niece in the middle and my son on the other side π

Breastfeeding PainFree After Nipple Pain
Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Ashlee Dove K
More importantly I know when we finally get the chance to breastfeed I have amazing support along the way.
Somethings don’t go as planned. I think the only thing you can do is be prepared for the unexpected to happen. One month Old and he is thriving on π― momma made milk. 1 pound 14 oz at birth 30.1 weeks GA and now 3 pounds 9 oz. at 34.3 weeks GA. Had a emergency c section due to IUGR found at 29 weeks. 48 hours later full on liquid gold! Exclusively pumping is hard, being a NICU momma and the rollercoaster is hard. Having to watch your baby get a blood transfusion and countless test because they are trying to find the answers to the issue they can’t explain other than just premie complications gut wrenching. Yet here he is strong happy and giving the nurses heck every chance he gets (personally o think he likes the attention). β€οΈπ― so glad I set out to educate myself for breastfeeding and found the Thompson Method. Never once did my medical team not support me in my goals. More importantly I know when we finally get the chance to breastfeed I have amazing support along the way.

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Anne F
I’m so glad I decided to make the purchase of Dr. Robyns program literally in the hospital while waiting for my c-section with my daughter.
I post on here a lot for advice but this one is just a post to say thank you. 1 month old EBF and I’m not sure I could have done the breastfeeding journey without this program. So different than my son who started in the nicu. They pushed bottles and did not support the breastfeeding journey. We hired lactation consultants for him who only made things more stressful... They pushed that he had tongue and lip ties (which my doctor said maybe he had a little but was against the surgery thankfully). I fought for 6 months with him with nipple covers, pumping, donated breast milk, and formula. It was aweful. I’m so glad I decided to make the purchase of Dr. Robyns program literally in the hospital while waiting for my c-section with my daughter. I have already recommended the program and will continue to do so.
I’m sure I’ll post a million more questions but for now saying thank you β€οΈ

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Mirolee Z
I couldn’t believe it - and I credit it to what I learned in this club and the support from members and admins.
Hi all! I EBF for 8 weeks and, while it was going well, it caused me a lot of anxiety and I switched to almost exclusively pumping. Babe just turned 18 weeks and growing like a dinosaur, but I thought ‘hey, I wonder if I can BF by choice, and enjoy it, and have it as an option if needs be?’ So I’ve been popping him on before naps and it’s been SO. EFFORTLESS. π I couldn’t believe it - and I credit it to what I learned in this club and the support from members and admins. Thank you! So, if you’re unsure about BF - having pain, insecure, you pump and BF, whatever! - this program will help you no matter where you are in your journey. Thanks everyone! (Picture of earlier mentioned Dinosaur)

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Meaghan L
Two month mark: still so thankful for this program!
Two month mark: still so thankful for this program! We may not be able to be EBF because of my lack of supply, but what she is able to get is incredible compared to my history. All three of my older girls were never able to get more than a half an ounce pumped breast milk a day, and I quit before one month since it was so much work for that amount. But now this little lady gets one full feeding from Mama in the morning to satisfaction and one bottle of expressed milk at the end of the day with formula between. So happy we found the Thompson Method!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Sarah R
I don’t think I would have been so successful without doing this program.
So thankful to this program! My baby girl and I have made it 9 weeks of breastfeeding and pumping! She was born at 8lbs 9oz and on Tuesday of last week she was 13lbs .5oz! I don’t think I would have been so successful without doing this program. Also, in those 9 weeks, I haven’t had any engorgement or mastitis- so I say that is a win! Thank you Dr. Thompson!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Heather W
And we did it!!!! I will be forever grateful for everything this course has taught me.
Just here to say thank you β€οΈ
I wanted to nurse my first baby, but after a birth that ended up with every intervention under the sun, a tongue tie revision, severe nipple trauma, and eventually thrush, I threw in the towel and switched to exclusively pumping. It wasn’t my plan. It wasn’t what I wanted.
And then I found The Thompson Method. I am now 3 month post partum with my second baby and I took this picture yesterday. We were out and about all day at an amusement park. We were so hot and sweaty and miserable, but......
But we nursed β€οΈ and I cried some tears of joy.
After the emotional trauma of everything I went through with my first birth and attempt at nursing, this was the very first time I felt confident in being hours away from home all day without bringing a pump with us. And we did it!!!! I will be forever grateful for everything this course has taught me.
Just because your first breastfeeding journey didn’t go the way you planned, your second can be totally different β€οΈ

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Kristyn G
This program is sending confidence through all women!!
4 months strong and pumping for my friend who is adopting. First baby for me and I feel so confident !! Plus my sister just had a baby and after she went through the program I've had the chance to share my now-experience with her and remind her of techniques ! Her baby is 5 days old and she had to top up formula in hospital and still today, she pumped 6 oz!!! This program is sending confidence through all women!!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Cynthia F
We have made it to six months! All breast milk for this little lady π I was worried about supply going back to work, but make sure that I maintain 7 feeds/pumps a day and still producing more than enough for this little one π₯° Super thankful for this program!

Expressing & Pumping / Success Stories
βββββ Storme M
I would not have made it to this point if it were not for The Thompson Method, this group, my family & the support of a couple of wonderful lactation consultants.
A huge thankyou to Dr Robyn Thompson & the group as we celebrate our success xxx To say my own breastfeeding journey has been an emotional rollercoaster would be a huge understatment. I was determined to breastfeed my third as I had not been successful in breastfeeding my other two children after many failed attempts. I will never know why something so natural has so many complicated aspects to it. However, after many months of putting bub to the breast, then pumping whilst giving a bottle & with many tears on both sides & almost losing my sanity, we have made it to the 6 month mark, where bub is getting mainly breastmilk, which I'm so proud to reach. I would not have made it to this point if it were not for the Dr Robyn Thompson - The Thompson Method, this group, my family & the support of a couple of wonderful lactation consultants. For those still doing the hard yards, keep the faith as if you persist I'm sure it will happen for you too β€β€β€