Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding Success Stories
Stories from women who were able to successfully breastfeed their babies using The Thompson Method, with flat or inverted nipples.

How can I breastfeed with flat nipples?
Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Megan
Successfully breastfeeding with extremely flat nipples, large breasts and traumatic delivery
It’s finally my turn to share a successful breastfeeding story!
This photo is the day my second child was born. Despite using about every resource possible at the time and wanting so badly to breastfeed my first child, I was unsuccessful. There were many factors, but my biggest challenges were my own anatomy (extremely flat and difficult nipples/large breasts,), my daughter’s oral restrictions, extreme nipple trauma, and a rough introduction to breastfeeding at the hospital.
It has been a JOURNEY but we are 6 months in the with my second and I have been able to exclusively breastfeed thanks to the Thompson method. I came across it early on in my pregnancy and was able to prepare for the challenges I knew I’d likely have. It wasn’t smooth at first but I was able to come at it informed with a multifaceted approach.
It IS smooth now and I’m so grateful. THANK YOU! I can’t believe this is real! I never thought I would be here. And to anyone who struggles as bad as I do with nipples that just will not come out, or have babies with tongue and lip ties, I feel you, I hear you! I’m here to support. You can do this.
Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rachel H
I am so thankful for my first very successful breastfeed even with very flat and inverted nipples. I had no pain!
Breastfeeding Victory! I wanted to get on here to try and encourage anyone who may be in the boat I was in. My baby girl was born on Thursday and after pushing for 3 hours and having problems getting her out, as you can imagine I was absolutely exhausted after delivery. (I still have only had about 3 hours of sleep since then)
However, I was really discouraged when I couldn't get her to latch in the 3 golden hours and the nurses all pushed me to get a nipple shield. They gave me a three hour time limit and said if I hadn't fed her good by then, that I really needed to just use a shield because she needed to eat.
Well, I was discouraged, frustrated, and felt defeated and after using syringes all night long, I decided to try a nipple shield the next day. Let me tell you, it was PAINFUL.
Long story short, after being told that I had to use a shield in order to breastfeed successfully by multiple people in the hospital who were trying to help me, (but actually making things worse) I decided I would reach out to this group.
Well, I was given instructions on how to make my very flat and inverted nipples become more erect and today after getting home from the hospital, I had my very first successful breastfeed from not only the right breast but the left one too!!! And there was absolutely no pain! (Other than a little soreness the shield had caused).
I learned that the despite the nurses maybe having good intentions in mind, you just have to stand your ground and say enough is enough especially when you're in pain.
I wish I would have been more firm and not let them make me feel like a nipple shield was my only resort. However, I believe you can do anything you set your mind to and I am so thankful for my first very successful breastfeed today with no pain, but just precious time I could bond with my baby and not feel frustrated. I know it won't always be easy, but I am determined to make this work. Thanks so much and I pray God helps those who may feel like giving up 💕

Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sierra W
I have been able to successfully breastfeed despite my inverted nipples
Well it took about a month of hard work and dedication but this little girl and I have worked together as a team and have been able to successfully breast feed despite my inverted nipples and her small size due to being induced early. She was 5 lbs 4 oz and born at 37 weeks. We had a rough start and I knew breastfeeding would be a challenge so I found the Thompson method when I was pregnant. Thank you for all of the help and encouragement! We are a Thompson method success story and it didn’t take as long as I had thought either!! I have my follow up appointment tonight and I’m excited to share our success!! This is baby Sequoia’s milk drunk face after 30 minutes of nursing on each side with a rest and digest in between (and no bottle or nipple shield!) also included is a quick snap shot of us nursing while laying down which to me is the coolest thing ever!!! I couldn’t be happier and I cry tears of joy and gratitude as I write this.
Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kim S
I thought right from the start I was due to fail as I had flat nipples. I cannot speak highly enough for all the help
6 months of exclusively breastfeeding this little angel thanks to this program ❤ and still going strong 💪🏼 I am so lucky and glad that I came across this program when I was in my early stages of pregnancy. I thought right from the start I was due to fail as I had flat nipples and both my mother and sister had many problems breastfeeding their little ones and having little success. I honestly recommend this program to every mumma that I meet and I cannot speak highly enough for all the help it and everyone has given me. Thank you all so much ❤🥰

Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarrah L
Is it possible to breastfeed with very flat and inverted nipples?
So thankful for this program! Just 3 days old and have already said “Thank goodness I learned that” at least 20 times. Still plenty to learn and I’m sure many upcoming questions, but here we are: -Home 24 hrs after a successful birth where I advocated for everything we needed, and every one of our requests were met with such thoughtfullness from our midwife and care team -So comfortable feeding together alone that my husband is sleeping through the night so he can easily take care of baby and everything else tomorrow while I nap between feeds -Had the ability and confidence to politely decline help from nurses and lactation consultants, even ones who were basically already reaching for us when it took more than 5 secons to latch. We got some odd looks when I said no but were respected. -I have very flat nipples that do not come out much at all even with stimulation; instead of being upset or defeated (or touched by others)I knew info about shields and fine tuning and he is getting everything he needs while I can successfully produce and feed without tears. We will eventually try to get away from it but for now his tummy and my mental health are at 100%. Cannot thank this program enough—I would likely be in pain and mentally distraught without it ❤️
Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Diane N
No nipple shields, no formula and exclusively breastfed the whole time even with flat nipples (2 years old)!
I nearly threw in the towel many times with my first baby, now 4yrs old. We had a magnitude of issues - flat nipples, breastfeeding pain, nipple trauma (multiple times), nipple shields, weight gain issues, expressing for top ups and even resorted to formula top ups, nipple shield rejected at 4 months old. But I persevered and we made it through to 11 months (have no idea how I managed to continue!!) Then with my 2nd it was so much easier and I got some amazing advice from this page along with the wealth of knowledge in the live videos and all the amazing posts. No nipple shields, no formula and exclusively breastfed the whole time. I’m amazed myself at how successful we both were and how much easier it was the 2nd time around. Maybe things just came easier as I trusted myself, never doubted my ability and we both just ‘knew’ what to do the 2nd time around. We just recently successfully weaned (and easily) at 2 years old. Im so thankful for all the advice and support. Wishing every mama all the best in their journey. I personally know how hard and selfless this can be 🙏🏻❤️
Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Elsa Mtz D N
8 months and still going strong. For all those with “flat” nipples, it does get better!
No questions here, just wanted to share our successful EBF story 🤱🏻. We are officially 8 months and still going strong 💪🏼. For all those new mommas, it does get better, for all those with “flat” nipples, it does get better, for those who use nipple shields, it does get better. This is what 🤱🏻 in Disney looked like this past week and what our R&D looks like nowadays 💞. Thank you for this group and thank you Dr Robyn Thompson - The Thompson Method
Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Steph L
Eternally grateful to this entire team for being so instrumental in my breastfeeding journey.
In the spirit of the holidays, I just want to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Robyn Thompson, Joanne Thompson, Kelly Faytrouni, Sarah J Harris, this entire program, and the community of amazing mamas in the club. I apologize for the long post, but just want to share my story. My daughter is now 12 weeks old, and has exclusively breastfed this entire time. I NEVER thought this was possible after 2 extremely horrific experiences trying to breastfeed my two sons.
Because of this program and the endless support of Dr. Robyn and her team, my daughter and I have been able to breastfeed without ceasing, despite a c-section and her resultant extreme sleepiness (that lasted for over 3 weeks), very early nipple trauma that did not fully resolve for 10 weeks, flat nipples, a few episodes of clogged milk ducts, and one bout of mastitis. Not only did I learn how to persevere in this journey despite challenges once my daughter was born through multiple breastfeeeding rescues with Dr. Robyn and the endless support of her team, but I was undoubtedly empowered and set up for success ahead of time through a pre-birth consultation to discuss my previous experiences, as well as being educated on the importance of developing a plan and knowing and exercising my rights (that were very clearly communicated and respected by my OB and labor and delivery nurses prior to and after my daughter’s birth).
I wanted NOTHING more than to breastfeed all of my children, and suffered from post-partum depression with my sons when I wasn’t able to successfully do so. I wish SO badly that I had known about this program and the amazing community of women behind it from the start. I cannot stress enough the value of this program, and am eternally grateful to this entire team for being so instrumental in my breastfeeding journey. I so wish I could do more to thank you all for helping me to achieve success and for enabling me to have such a meaningful, life-changing experience. You are doing amazing work!! ❤️❤️❤️
Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Peta E
4.5 months exclusively breastfeeding with flat nipples and weaned off nipple shields. He's one happy and healthy big baby boy ❤️
I just wanted to take the time to thank Dr Thompson and her staff. The knowledge and techniques I have learnt from your videos and this group have been the reason we are where we are today. Here’s my 4.5 month old, EBF, happy and healthy big baby boy Kai ❤️
He started on nipple shields as I have flat nipples that got flatter when my milk came in. We weaned him off them at around 6-7 weeks old and have never looked back! Our technique has just continued to improve as time passes. And if I’m ever having any issues, I just come back to this group and get the info and support I need. Thank you so so much. I hope you know how much we appreciate you and the time and effort you put in to help us xx
Flat or Inverted Nipples Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Brianna G
Breastfeeding with flat nipples, no pain and no shields, I can't believe it!
Hi, first time mom here and I just wanted to pop in and share. After struggles with being told I had flat nipples, using a nipple shield, pumping and bottle feeding and hating having a “middle man” between me and feeding MY baby, I decided to really stick with the Thompson method and trust the process. Even after 3 weeks of no breastfeeding we were still able to do it with the Thompson Method!
I want to encourage my fellow mammas out there who may need to hear it, DON’T give up! My baby and I are still learning everyday but, in those early weeks if you would have told me we would eventually be here at 7 weeks, and I would be feeding my child with no pain and no cumbersome shields, I wouldn’t have believed you. Keep going mammas, and trust your instincts! You’ve got this, and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t breast feed if that’s your heart’s desire. Thank you to the Thompson Method! Pic of my baby girl Michelle for cute content 💜