NICU Breastfeeding Success Stories
Read stories from our members who were able to navigate the challenges of NICU and being separated from their babies to continue to breastfeed using The Thompson Method.

Breastfeeding NICU Success Stories
NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Delvene G
We spent the first 6 months in NICU but thanks to this method we have made it to 11 months and still going!
Hi guys! Thanks to this method we have made it to 11 months and still going! Due to complications and being born at 27+5 we spent the first 6 months in NICU, we are now 8 months age corrected. Due to high energy demands, we have persevered with 3-3.5 hrly feeds (at the direction of medical/allied health staff) but have now started solids 3 times a day. Getting pretty good with soft foods and a little texture. Yesterday the speech and dietician recommended to offer food before breastfeeding. Weight has been a big issue and they want me to group the breastfeed and food together because I honestly don’t even think he know when he is hungry. He knows when he has enough though. Any advice?

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Paige H
We are almost to the point of exclusively breastfeeding, and baby and I are so much happier using Dr. Robyn's method than any of the other methods we were taught in hospital.
I just want to say THANK YOU!! I just bought Dr. Robyn's program last night, and it has already helped us to make huge improvements with breastfeeding. My baby is 15 weeks old, but his first 7 weeks were spent in the NICU so I was exclusively pumping during that time. Over the last 8 weeks we have been working on learning to effectively breastfeed, but I was still pretty dependent on the pump. We are almost to the point of exclusively breastfeeding, and baby and I are so much happier using Dr. Robyn's method than any of the other methods we were taught in hospital (I will never use the cross cradle hold ever again!!) Here is my happy boy after a great (and comfortable) feed!

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cassy R
I have been able to provide all the breastmilk my son needs while he has been in the NICU.
Hello! I just wanted to share a success. My little one was born at 37 weeks on 11/23. He has spent the last week in the NICU with some breathing issues and had to be tube fed. He has since graduated to bottles, and thank you to the Thompson method for helping me feel much more prepared about breastfeeding. With a combination of pumping and hand expression I have been able to provide all the breastmilk my son needs while he has been in the NICU. I haven't had much of an opportunity yet to breastfeed because of how high the flow oxygen had to be and he had high bilirubin levels so he needed to stay under the lights. The times I was able to he latched well and there was no pain! There is a high possibility I get to bring him home today and we are so excited!

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Shiree C
I knew exactly what to do when bubs and I were separated due to his severe jaundice needing urgent NICU care.
Introducing Lachlan James Calleja born 3rd November 2020 at 38+1 weighing 2528 grams.
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to The Thompson Method! I failed miserably to breastfeed my first son but with this invaluable information not only am I successfully breastfeeding (with a shield and completely pain free) but I also didn't panic and knew exactly what to do when bubs and I were separated due to his severe jaundice needing urgent NICU care.
I purchased the method at 30 weeks gestation and after watching the videos I felt confident and my mind was completely at ease and I truly believe this has made all the difference in kick starting my beautiful breastfeeding experience.
One truly great full Mumma xx 🤱

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ashlee Dove K
Here’s to making it 4 months of breastfeeding even with our rough NICU start and being born 10 weeks early
Here’s to making it 4 months of breastfeeding even with our rough NICU start and being born 10 weeks early! Couldn’t have done it without this program and all the help along the way!

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lauren Massey M
We were still able to exclusively breastfeeding since he was allowed out of the NICU.
A happy, healthy, and beautiful breastfed baby ❤️
Just wanted to say thank you for this group! After an emergency c section we had no skin to skin for 48 hours, missing the golden hours, and I felt like I didn’t get the birth I always dreamed of. My son was brought to the NICU for lung issues and needed constant monitoring and an oxygen tube. I couldn’t hold him, try to feed him, and watch him fight through constant poking and prodding. I was pretty shook by the whole experience.
Because I took this course I knew what to do and even with everything working against us we were still able to exclusively breastfeeding since he was allowed out of the NICU.
But once we got home, I felt like I had bonding struggles with my son since we missed out on such an important time.
After getting some advice in this group and a Q&A response from Dr. Thompson, I finally felt like I got the time back I lost in the hospital and we have been exclusively breastfeeding for two months now! 🎉 👏
He is gaining weight and perfectly on track, and I am so thankful to give him the best start in life. Thank you for all of the help along the way! 🥰❤️

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rebecca K
She spent 12 weeks in NICU and I was able to move to exclusively breastfeeding
Just wanted to shout a huge THANK YOU to Dr. Thompson and the administrative team here. We would've never gotten here without you! Breastfeeding on the beach of an uninhabited barrier island was a magical experience ✨💖✨ Some encouragement for fellow preemie mamas! My girl was born 13 weeks early, we spent 12 weeks in the NICU, when she came home we were bottle feeding pumped and fortified milk. With the support of our pediatrician group (who have a breastfeeding center) and this program, we were able to move to exclusively breastfeeding. When I purchased this program, I was on the verge of giving up! She was crying, I was crying, and it seemed like we would never latch without discomfort. I am so thankful for the expert advice and encouragement given here to help us overcome! You have given us a precious gift and bond ❤️

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Mandy W
My boys came early at 29 weeks and spent 6 weeks in NICU. But I am SO glad I stuck with it!!
I just had my first successful tandem feed with my twin boys, all thanks to this group and the support I've received here. My boys came early at 29 weeks and spent 6 weeks in NICU. I've spent 3 months working towards exclusive breastfeeding and there were many times I wanted to give up. Exclusively pumping was taking its toll on me. But I am SO glad I stuck with it!! I'm just posting this to encourage anyone else in a similar situation, YOU CAN DO IT! It does not come without hard work and dedication, but it is so worth it. A special thanks to Rachael for all of her help and words of wisdom!

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jo E
Over here celebrating ONE MONTH of breastfeeding after being fed through an NG tube
Over here celebrating ONE MONTH of breastfeeding this little babe.
I had a home birth and, due to shoulder dystocia, she was actually stillborn. She was deprived of oxygen for at least 16 minutes. But, by the grace of God, she is alive! We transported her to the hospital where she immediately started blowing the Doctors away. She went almost 3 days without being put to the breast (she was in the NICU being fed through an NG tube). I begged and pleaded with the staff to let me try to nurse her and 3 days in, they finally did.
We haven’t looked back since.

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Alyse T
After Hen’s little stay in ICU we really struggled to get him back on the breast. No more shields, no cracked or painful nipples, no fighting me at the breast.
Just wanted to jump on here and say Thank You for all the support and pointers I was given the last week. After Hen’s little stay in ICU we really struggled to get him back on the breast. We lost a lot of our firsts and things didn’t go to plan in hospital, but breast feeding is something I was really passionate about. And with some support from the admins and other members, we’ve achieved it. No more shields, no cracked or painful nipples, no fighting me at the breast. And I am so thankful for what I learned in the program, as well as the support afterward. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Here’s a pic of little Henry asleep post a feed - happy, relaxed. Huge change from this time last week. 🙌🏻

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Wendy Boatwright F
Thank you again for the support and for all that you do for us mamas to help us take care of our babies the best we possibly can. ❤️
Yesterday marks 8 weeks that these two sassy bebes have been getting mama’s milk. I don’t really have any questions, just a huge thank you to Dr. Dr Robyn Thompson - The Thompson Method and all of the amazing admins that have helped give us advice so that we could make it this far. Jasper and Grace are thriving. They have doubled their birth weight from 5lbs 1 oz and 5lbs 12 oz to 10lbs 6 oz for both of them currently and we couldn’t be more excited about how amazing this journey has been for them. Baby girl had a tough go at the start in the NICU on a feeding tube because she wasn’t eating on her own and they both lost too much weight in the beginning and also had super hi bilirubin levels. Today we have gotten past all of that and are starting to get chunky little rolls and happy tummies from mama’s milk. Thank you again for the support and for all that you do for us mamas to help us take care of our babies the best we possibly can. ❤️

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rhiannan B
Thanks to the Thompson method we have been able to make educated decisions from the start. 💙
Meet Patrick born 35+5 From feeding tube to boob in 10weeks…. It’s been soooo challenging starting the journey not having a suck/swallow reflex and being in special care for quite some time but we didn’t give up and his latch is getting better with every feed.
Thanks to the Thompson method we have been able to make educated decisions from the start. 💙

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Michelle Denham C
2 day nicu stay but thanks to everything I learned in this group and some serious determination I was still able to successfully breastfeed my son with no end in sight. ❤️
We made it a whole year! I am so thankful for the Thompson Method and all the admins and support. Our birth didn’t go as planned and we ended up in a scary emergency csection with a 2 day nicu stay but thanks to everything I learned in this group and some serious determination I was still able to successfully breastfeed my son with no end in sight. ❤️ Thank you Dr Robyn and all the wonderful admins!

NICU Breastfeeding / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Susan S
My son was born at 33 weeks and spent 3 weeks in the NICU. I can’t thank this group enough for the knowledge and support to keep going.
1 year and 11 days of breastfeeding and pumping for this little miracle. Today was my final pump and I. Am. Emotional. My son was born at 33 weeks and spent 3 weeks in the NICU. My original plan to solely breastfeed had to go out the window, but I knew that I was dedicated enough to pump for him. So that’s what I did, 7-8 times per day, everyday. He learned to take a bottle of expressed milk and then once he came home from the hospital we were able to introduce 1-2 breastfeeds per day. I can’t thank this group enough for the knowledge and support to keep going. Breastfeeding is hard. Pumping is hard. But with the right mindset and information, it is all possible. For those of you that are struggling: take full advantage of the information and support this group provides. I am forever grateful. Thank you. 💚