First Time Mum Breastfeeding Success Stories
Watch videos and read stories from First Time Mothers who adopted The Thompson Method. Some of these women joined during pregnancy, while others joined while already breastfeeding, in some cases overcoming painful and stressful breastfeeding challenges.

FTM Breastfeeding Success Stories
First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sherry C
FTM and labour came on so quickly
Well, I guess I don’t have to worry about advanced maternal age and induction! Woo hoo!!! Our sweet Isla Raine came into this world fast and furious on November 9... due date was November 22... FTM and labour came on so quickly and painfully I just had to get an epidural 😬 water broke at 230 am and we had her by 5 pm. Luckily she’s latching beautifully confirmed by the midwife this afternoon!! I couldn’t have done it without this course and Dr. Thompson!! Thank you!!!

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Emma M
Thankful that I was able to gain enough knowledge that I wasn't scared of breastfeeding as a FTM.
2 week old rest and digest! I am so thankful for this program. Thankful that I was able to gain enough knowledge that I wasn't scared of breastfeeding as a FTM. Thank you from the both of us! 💙

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Nicole TW
We made it six months!
So thankful for this program!
We made it six months! Our bub turned six months on 1/6 and we couldn’t be happier with how much he’s grown while breastfeeding! Being a FTM, I’ve been anxious about pregnancy and breastfeeding. Not only having the regular anxiety of becoming a mom and knowing what to do but on top of dealing with everything while in a pandemic. I’m so fortunate that I found this breastfeeding club to gain support and knowledge about successful breastfeeding! Our little Oliver was born 7lbs even and is now 18lbs and just keeps growing. The help I gained through the videos and live Facebook videos from Dr Robyn as well as the ability to ask questions has allowed me and my son to flourish while breastfeeding while bonding! There are ups and downs to breastfeeding as well as exhaustion but gaining support from other individuals going through the same thing has kept my spirits up! I want to thank Dr Robyn, admins and other moms for their support during this process. I came into breastfeeding with the belief that if it works it works and if it doesn’t well it doesn’t. This group has been amazing and has been worth every penny!

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Claire M
FTM, babe is 1 week old, and we’ve been exclusively breastfeeding!
FTM, babe is 1 week old, and we’ve been exclusively breastfeeding! So thankful for this group, I’ve learned some really great pointers to help me start out. 💙

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Cameron Alysse S
As a FTM I was nervous about breastfeeding
I want to share my success story if that is okay, because I know as a FTM I was nervous about breastfeeding and had no idea how things would go for me. I bought this program pretty early in my pregnancy because I was always told breastfeeding hurts and is very hard to keep up with.. If I’m being honest, I quickly became overwhelmed with all of the issues I saw members posting about and developed a lot more anxiety centered around feeding my baby. I was so worried things would be horrible and I wouldn’t be able to EBF.. I’m so proud to say that my sweet Avi is 2 weeks today and we have been EBF, no bottles/shield/pacifier or any supplementation and she is already 10% over birth weight all on my milk.
On 12/23/20, I woke up to contractions 3 minutes apart a day before my EDD and 12 hours later my beautiful girl was in my arms. I was adamant about not taking anything for the pain as long as I could stand it, and absolutely no epidural because I was so worried about having a sleepy baby and jeopardizing my breastfeeding journey. I tried gas and air, walking, yoga ball, warm bath, and back to gas and air for the first 10 hours. I did have hypertension and towards the end I could not get control of my breathing and ended up accepting IV stadol to help me calm down. Baby girl came out wide awake, APGARS 9 & 9 and latched within 10 minutes. She feeds like a champ and we've had absolutely no issues other than her cluster feeding and falling asleep before the second breast, but I think this is due to her filling up too quickly from my fast let down. I'm working on spacing out feeds and taking both breast each time as she likes to snack but overall we have had a perfect time. I ese the Thompson Method for fine tuning to be sure I don't end up with nipple trauma, and other than a little soreness and painful let down it's been virtually pain free. I am so grateful to this group and although I hope I never experience any huge issues, it's comforting to know I have a resource to come to if things get tough. Just wanted to share a little inspiration for those who may be worried like I was, it really all just came naturally and it couldn't be a more beautiful bond between mom and babe. 💕 Good luck to those who are due this year or who are already on thier journey, we're all rockstars no matter how we feed our babies!

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jennifer I
I am a FTM and have had zero pain or other issues feeding my 5month LO thanks to the Thompson method.
I am a FTM and have had zero pain or other issues feeding my 5month LO thanks to the Thompson method. I was terrified of nipple trauma/pain & mastitis and have had none of these issues! My LO was also 4 weeks premature and I’d had no leakage prior to her birth and we got through a tiny baby, prem birth and jaundice with only my breast milk

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Emma M
There are so many unknowns that come with being a FTM.......
I just wanted to say how grateful I am for this program! There are so many unknowns that come with being a FTM, pregnancy, labor, delivery, and everything that comes afterwards. Having the knowledge from the Thompson Method made my breastfeeding journey amazing! I have been breastfeeding for almost 3 months now and it has been amazing. I recommend it to all of my friends who are pregnant or just had their baby. Thank you again!
Pic of my then 2 week old rest and digesting, and my now 11 week old chunk! 💙

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Helen S
🎉 WHOOO bub is 6 months today 🎉
🎉 WHOOO bub is 6 months today 🎉
FTM and the first few months of breastfeeding were ROCKY, no golden three hours, bub and I were separated for the first five days, low milk supply, fussy baby, weening off formula, low weight gain, nipple pain, block ducts, and LOADS of tears, I almost gave up but here we are due to the Thompson Method and the ongoing support from this group 💪
Breastfeeding is now AMAZING! 💕
THANK YOU Dr. Robyn and her fantastic team for your drive to offer an alternative to the current breastfeeding doctrine and THANK YOU for the wonderful support from this group! I could not of done this journey without you ALL! 👏

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sha'Nice D
I felt so confident feeding my girl & I’m a FTM!
Hey! Just dropping in to say thanks to admin & Dr. Thompson for this method!
My baby girl was born on 3|22 at 6:12 PM & thanks to this program I was able to advocate for myself & give her the best possible start to our journey!
We had 2 beautiful golden hours where she made her way to the breast within the first 15 minutes (although she did need some gentle guidance from me). All procedures delayed & my hospital staff here were hands off! Super supportive without a birth plan in hand. I was happily surprised!
At the first sign of pain / lipstick shaped nipple I immediately searched the group, fine tuned - made sure we had the 4 points of contact & it was instantly fixed! Pain free feedings from day 1 with no help or hands on from lactation consultants or nurses. Who would’ve knew I could do this!
Thank you for educating me on what to expect, the effects of opioids (I definitely had an epidural but she was luckily alert & has remained bright eyed & bushy tailed), and for putting together an awesome program. I felt so confident feeding my girl & I’m a FTM!
Milk is already in on one breast (I can hear the swallows & she pulls off to burp herself) which is super exciting for me. Plenty of poos & wet diapers so I know I’m off to a great start & she’s getting what she needs.
I can’t say thank you enough!! This has made such a new, potentially stressful experience so enjoyable. I was prepared to express in advance, bought bottles & formula, colostrum collectors & didn’t have to use any of it! I’m blessed so far to have this outcome ❤️

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lauren H
6 weeks today on our breastfeeding journey as a FTM
6 weeks today on our breastfeeding journey as a FTM with no hope trauma. I owe it to this program!!!
Picture of my son enjoying his rest & digest in kmart 🥰

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kirsty G
FTM 😊 I just wanted to share the sense of accomplishment I'm feeling due to this program
Hello everyone 😊
FTM 😊 I just wanted to share the sense of accomplishment I'm feeling due to this program.
I had a very intimidating experience while in hospital due to a judgemental, belligerent and overbearing midwife, and then was overwhelmed by all the very different advice and instructions I was given from most of the others who looked after us. This is in addition to our little one being admitted to the nursery due to some health complications.
Today though, I had my community health midwife visit for my little man who is 3 weeks and 4 days old. The midwife was very impressed with his growth, with my general knowledge and with our feeding (she stayed to watch for a few minutes). I owe so much of this success to this program. Thank you Dr Thompson! 😊

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Savannah Kate C
Loved the program so much!
Loved the program so much! My baby girl is 8 months old and I've loved breastfeeding her. My milk supply is slowing down but I have a large surplus so for now, I'm going to enjoy what time we have left! So thankful for this program! #FTM

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sandra N
Appreciation Post. First time mum
Appreciation Post. First time mum. Sorry long message. Thank you Dr Robyn and the team 🙏❤️
I saw this course advertised, discounted, on a Facebook advert and due to having had bad experiences with buying things from Facebook adverts before, I questioned whether it was going to be any use but thought the price was so good, might as well give it a go. I’m so so glad I did!
Still then I was only going to use the course to learn about labour. I was not planning to breast feed at all and was planning to go straight onto formula. Family members said babies wake too much with only breast milk and it’s difficult to have enough milk production. I had already bought formula and a machine in preparation.
I studied the course whilst pregnant and by the time I finished it, my mind was changed 360, I really wanted to breastfeed if it was possible. The course was very informative and in addition to the posts from the group, I just felt I knew exactly what I needed to do. I wasn’t at all anxious that I’d be lost after labour even as a first time mum.
Like many other mums’ experiences on here, lots of health professionals are still practicing the old way of breastfeeding. I’m based in Oxfordshire UK and mine were no exception. After baby arrived, the midwife suggested I held onto baby’s head to guide him. I suggested I’d like to try my way first where she was skeptical and said a newborn wouldn’t know how to. Baby boy proved her wrong and latched literally straight away and started sucking. Just as Dr Robyn had said.
We are now coming up to 5months EBF and still going. We’ve had some difficulty in the last few weeks due to teething but as Dr Robyn says, I’ve trusted my body and as long as there’s enough wet and poop nappies, I know we’re ok.
Thank you again to Dr Robyn and her team!! ❣️

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sonya S
As a FTM at 39 I had some trepidation but the ease of getting the information helped both me and my husband
We’ve made 2 months 🥰 when I didn’t even think we would be able to breastfeed and I just wanted to say Thank you from this first time Mumma!
I have had cancer twice and also have no thyroid so hormone wise this creates challenges I didn’t think we could overcome. But we did!
With all this information in hand we had a dream run from birth, 3 golden hours (actually 5) and everything since - I let this clever little man do his thing and we’ve had no pain or trauma and he has had no tummy upsets and will go boob to expressed breast milk bottle with zero issues.
I honestly cannot thank you enough, you’ve made everything so much easier and my little man Parker is happy and thriving and was back up to birth weight in 8 days.
We would not have been as relaxed and confident of it weren’t for this program and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to deal with some not so nice midwives telling me I wasn’t doing things their way ❤️
As a FTM at 39 I had some trepidation but the ease of getting the information helped both my and my husband - we felt like we hacked the system at the hospital 🤣🙌🏼
It’s for this reason I recommend you so frequently!
Big love guys and thank you xxx

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Nathalie M
As a FTM it gave me such confidence and a realistic expectation of what would take place.
As a FTM it gave me such confidence and a realistic expectations of what would take place. It informed me that while beautifully natural, breastfeeding is HARD WORK and in being informed I could make better decisions to make it successful for my boy and I. Also, it is, sadly, so incredibly rare for a medical professional to so actively encourage us to trust ourselves, our body, and our instincts and that was so utterly beautiful for me. To be reassured there is no right/wrong way but only ways that works for our unique selves is SUCH a breath of fresh air and so so very appreciated💖

FTM Breastfeeding Success Stories
First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Gosia G
Although this is my first child, instinctively I know that gentle and loving approach is what we both need
Introducing our son Marko. He's 5 days old and resting and digesting on daddy's lap. We had a long and traumatic 72hr birth and ended up having c-section on Monday morning. We had to stay in a hospital as bubs need antibiotics and this picture was taken 40min after we brought him home for the first time.
We are so proud of him!
My milk finally came and over next days and weeks we will be working on breastfeeding. While in the hospital we've seen and experienced first hand some appalling practices where by midwife was forcing crying and screaming baby to mother's breast. I can not believe that this is still happening! Although this is my first child, instinctively I know that gentle and loving approach is what we both need and we both love when daddy is taking part in this process as well.
This program gave both me and my husband confidence to listen to our instincts and use hints and tips as a guide.
Thank you Dr Thompson, all administrators who answer questions on this fb group and the whole breastfeeding club community for sharing their stories and supporting each other!

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Bianca D
First time mom here, we’re 4 months and going strong
𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝑜 𝒟𝓇. 𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒶𝒹𝓂𝒾𝓃𝓈, first time mom here, we’re 4 months and going strong. I had no other support system aside from the midwives while we were still in the hospital after my emergency caesarean, but, I didn’t lose hope and followed the advice from the group when we met hurdles during the 2nd week due to engorgement and pain. This group and everything I’ve learned from the videos gave me the confidence to advocate for myself and bub, especially with the golden period, which I have never heard of before the course. I am so happy with how much we are bonding during feeds and seeing bub growing up (and gaining weight) so well makes all the previous struggles worthwhile. Thanks to the group, and to all the mums here still trying to get the hang of it, always keep in mind “𝓘𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷” ❤️

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Christa G
As a first time mom I decided I needed some help to navigate the world of breastfeeding
As a first time mom I decided I needed some help to navigate the world of breastfeeding and I am so glad I found The Thompson Method because at 26 weeks of my pregnancy my husband and I were presented with the unique opportunity to adopt a little boy due only 4 weeks after daughter. Now, months later Mayleigh (right: 2 months old) is exclusively breastfed and Levi (1 month) refuses to nurse so he is a bottle baby; but they are both fed breast milk! 🥳 I am also excited to share that my supply is increasing as I follow Dr Thompson’s method of stimulating the breast rhythmically when pumping for Levi after nursing Mayleigh. I hope I can keep this up for a whole year! Super grateful for all the information in the program to help us make it this far 🥰
For those of you not yet in the program, I highly recommend it. Not only are the videos extremely helpful and packed with information, the admin are also knowledgeable and supportive. The FB club is just as good for providing fellowship and support from people going through the exact same things as you! (Although my situation seems to be beautifully unique 😉) If you’re on the fence about this program, you’ll only benefit from making the investment. Plus, I still look back though videos when something new comes up and I’m told it’s lifetime access. The Thomson Method is definitely worth the money 💰

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lex N
Being a first time mom and wanting to be as prepared as can be, Dr. Thompsons breastfeeding program has made that possible for me
Just want to say thank you to this group ❤️ being a first time mom and wanting to be as prepared as can be, Dr. Thompsons breastfeeding program has made that possible for me! The nurses at my hospital were extremely forceful in their techniques which caused me to have nipple trauma, (both sides) using a nipple shield and having to supplement with formula. Thankfully knowing what I’ve learned here, as soon as i got home i quickly unlearned all their methods. Now, I’ve completely reverted from formula (she gained .5 oz in 4 days after birth!) and I am only using the shield on my right side and my girl nurses like a champ with or without it! She is 2 weeks old today and It only gets better from here! Thank you ladies of the breastfeeding club for the support and guidance💕

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Daisy May L
As a first time mum I was shocked! Our babies know what they’re doing.
Honestly it’s mad they can hold their heads immediately! Of course not for long but until they get their mouth on your booby. As a first time mum I was shocked! Our babies know what they’re doing.
The Thompson method works brilliantly. Stay strong and good luck ♥️ Have a look at newborn babies crawling up their mum to feed.. medical staff need to give babies more credit and allow mum and baby to learn together. Thompson method and 9 months in ☺️ no issues except a blocked duct early days. Except I now have a bite mark off his 4 teeth😂😂

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarrah L
FTM and I couldn’t have done it without this information
I followed this program step by step and it works so well! FTM and I couldn’t have done it without this information. Like what was said above, this is information and you get to choose what works for you…but remember that! YOU get to chose. This program prepared me to be met with opposition at the hospital (I was, a nurse was very insistent on me using the cross cradle or football) and I politely but firmly asked her to leave and I would do it my way, and said she only needed to come back to check my vitals when necessary. She wasn’t very amused but I am so glad I was prepared to stand up for what I wanted—this is after a 28hr unmedicated labor, so I was pretty out of it! for what you want, and if it is safe, follow your plan unless YOU want to change it. Practice politely rejecting “help” now so you are prepared to tell others to keep their hands/opinions to themselves.

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Niqi N
As a first time mother this program has helped me understand breastfeeding.
As a first time mother this program has helped me understand breastfeeding. I had no clue before taking the course. Due May 11!!

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jennifer T
I am a first time mom and I knew nothing about breastfeeding.
Hi There! I just wanted to send my heartfelt "Thanks!" to Dr. Robyn and the Breastfeeding club! I am a first time mom and I knew nothing about breastfeeding. I had only heard horror stories from friends about how hard and painful it was. When I got pregnant I knew I wanted to breastfeed, but I was so intimidated about the whole process! Until I found Dr. Robyn and the Thompson Method! We are now 2 months successfully EBF! The first month was tough, not gonna lie, but I kept applying what I learned from the method and reading posts to stay motivated. Thank you so much to Dr. Robyn, I could not have made it this far on my breastfeeding journey without you.

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Elizabeth D
This was my first time breastfeeding
This was my first time breastfeeding, the knowledge and confidence the Thompson Method gave me is priceless!!

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Haylie G
Breastfeeding my beautiful first born chunky monkey to date.
😍 Nine months of BF 😍 Just wanted to share, I don't know how long we will be going for, my goal was always 12 months and we are 9 months in.. I'm very grateful to this group for helping me educate myself and tackle any breastfeeding issues I was faced with and successfully breastfeeding my beautiful first born chunky monkey to date. He loves the boob, and it's such a special thing that we have that is just ours. I think I will be pretty sad when we can't do this anymore - bathtime is one of our favourites .. gives him a bonus boob session and me a little relax time, and cuddles 💙

First Time Mum / Success Stories
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Brianna G
Hi, first time mom here and I just wanted to pop in and share.
Hi, first time mom here and I just wanted to pop in and share.
After struggles with being told I had flat nipples, using a nipple shield, pumping and bottle feeding and hating having a “middle man” between me and feeding MY baby, I decided to really stick with the Thompson method and trust the process. Even after 3 weeks of no breastfeeding we were still able to do it with the Thompson Method!
I want to encourage my fellow mammas out there who may need to hear it, DON’T give up! My baby and I are still learning everyday but, in those early weeks if you would have told me we would eventually be here at 7 weeks, and I would be feeding my child with no pain and no cumbersome shields, I wouldn’t have believed you.
Keep going mammas, and trust your instincts! You’ve got this, and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t breast feed if that’s your heart’s desire.
Thank you to the Thompson Method!
Pic of my baby girl Michelle for cute content 💜