Overcoming Low Milk Supply: The Thompson Method's Gentle Approach to Breastfeeding Success

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Baby on the breast and breastfeeding

Breastfeeding: A Journey of Love, Nourishment, and Resilience

For many mothers, the path to breastfeeding can be fraught with challenges, particularly when they are ’told’ or are concerned that they have low milk supply.

In these moments of uncertainty, finding a solution that restores your confidence in your ability to nourish your baby becomes paramount.

Challenges in Breastfeeding: Low Milk Supply

Dr Robyn Thompson (PhD), an experienced Midwife and breastfeeding consultant (over 50 years), has witnessed the highs and lows of thousands of breastfeeding mothers, who were doubting themselves, often based on someone else’s opinion.

In the busy hospital system, healthcare professionals are often time poor, which means they are unable to sit beside a mother with her newborn to take the time to observe her breastfeeding, listen to her and offer gentle suggestions.

In her PhD research, over 60% of mothers experiencing breastfeeding complications had formula introduced before hospital discharge.  While it's important to acknowledge that there are times when formula can be a benefit, for most healthy babies, with an APGAR Score of 7 or above, the introduction of formula is unnecessary.

Some women report formula being introduced as a way of 'being able to be discharged' from hospital.

This is why Dr Robyn is so passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience with pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers - to help more women avoid unnecessary interventions, particularly in the early hours and days of breastfeeding.

Understanding the principles of breast milk production, from the first breastfeed where the baby draws down the mother's colostrum, to the first 72 - 96 hours where breast milk volume is 'gradually' increasing, is so important for a woman to make informed decisions over this very important time.

Dr Picture: Robyn Thompson providing support and guidance to a first time breastfeeding mother.

A Gentle Approach To Breastfeeding

The Thompson Method is a gentle approach to breastfeeding that has become a beacon of hope for countless mothers facing breastfeeding complications, such as low milk supply.

Learn more about The Thompson Method

The Emotional Toll of Low Milk Supply

For many mothers, the diagnosis of low milk supply is simply overwhelming.

It's not just about the physical aspect of producing enough milk; it's also about the emotional toll it takes.

The thought of not being able to provide for your baby, coupled with the pressure to meet certain benchmarks within a specific timeframe, can be paralysing.

Sarah’s Story: Overcoming Doubt

As Sarah shares in her story, she began to doubt her own ability to breastfeed and provide for her baby.

The Evolution of The Thompson Method

Dr Robyn Thompson didn’t set out to create The Thompson Method.

It evolved out of necessity because she could see that the hospital system was failing so many women, in particular with breastfeeding.

Every mother and every baby is unique.

And The Thompson Method is respectful of this.

"It's not about a ‘one size fits all’ approach."

"It’s about sharing the information that I have gained over 50 years as a Midwife, so that women like Sarah can reclaim her right to breastfeed, on her terms", says Dr Robyn.

Understanding Breast Milk Production

One of the most profound aspects of The Thompson Method is the encouragement for women to understand the principles of breast milk production.

The Importance of the First Breastfeed

In her PhD research, Dr Robyn discovered that most common breastfeeding complications are closely associated with a delay or interruption to the first and early breastfeeds.

Discover the importance of the first breastfeed

“It all comes back to the first breastfeed”

The passionate Midwife goes on to say, "This is why my team and I came up with the concept of the 3 Golden Hours. I wanted to help women understand that the events that occur during labor and birth greatly influence breastfeeding."

The 3 Golden Hours

My hope is that more women will become well-informed for themselves (preferably during pregnancy) so that fewer women will have to endure the pain and stress from common breastfeeding complications, that in many cases, could have been avoided.

In a society where the pressure to breastfeed can sometimes feel overwhelming, having a support system that believes in your ability to succeed can make all the difference.

To breastfeeding mothers grappling with low milk supply, the message is clear...

You are not alone, and there is hope.

Education is still key, and my online program will help you understand the most important principles of breastfeeding.

Personalised Support for Breastfeeding Mothers

But for those who are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, my encouragement is to consider 1:1 Breastfeeding Support, so that you can get the help you need when you need it most. Explore 1:1 breastfeeding support 

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Fear

Regardless of how old your baby is, it is possible to overcome self-doubt and fear.

Reach out for help, and believe in the transformative power of the journey ahead.

Be realistic in your expectations for increasing milk volume, as it is a gentle, gradual process that is based on regular, rhythmical hormone stimulation.

Embrace the Journey

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural process, and with the right support and guidance, every mother has the potential to thrive.

Embrace the journey, trust in yourself, and know that you are capable of giving your baby the best possible start in life.

May your breastfeeding journey continue for as long as you choose ❤️​


Recent Blogs

Breastfeeding Guide and Newborn Breastfeeding Tips

Breastfeeding Guide

Access practical tips to dramatically improve breastfeeding outcomes.


The Thompson Method provides evidence-based education, gentle guidance, and 24/7 support so women can breastfeed for as long as they choose—confidence-full and pain-free.

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The Thompson Method provides evidence-based education, gentle guidance, and 24/7 support so women can breastfeed for as long as they choose—confidence-full and pain-free.

Breastfeeding Programs
For Pregnant Women
For Breastfeeding Women
For Health Professionals
1:1 Breastfeeding Consultation
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The Thompson Method
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Dr Robyn Thompson

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Need to speak to someone? Call Joanne Thompson on +61 419 315 948 or Private Message on Facebook.

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