Meet Dr Robyn - Founder Of The Thompson Method
The Thompson Method is a gentle and evidence-based approach to guide you towards pain-free breastfeeding. It challenges the commonly taught forceful techniques with the aim of reducing the risk of painful complications for women who want to breastfeed.
LEARN MOREAfter 45 Years Here's What I Have Found...
After 45 years of working alongside breastfeeding mothers and their babies, my encouragement is for you to become well informed, so that you have the confidence to trust your maternal instincts.
Dr Robyn Thompson's Journey
More than 45 years ago, I started working as a midwife. My children were both at school and the time had come for me to pursue my passion. I loved nursing and had built a solid foundation of knowledge and experience. However, I was drawn to Midwifery. It was my calling.
Robyn Thompson's Inspiration for Creating The Thompson Method
With the unique perspective of working both in the hospital system and with women who chose to give birth in their homes, I found myself asking “Why were women being discharged from the hospital system with, in some cases horrific nipple trauma, when the women who gave birth at home were not?" It was this question that inspired me to review the commonly taught techniques and the anatomy of the breastfeeding baby. This led to 7 years of research for which I was awarded a PhD and ultimately led to the evolution of The Thompson Method where I now spend my time helping thousands of pregnant women, who would like to breastfeed and breastfeeding mothers avoid or overcome painful breastfeeding complications.
"By sharing my knowledge, experience and wisdom, my aim, before I leave Mother-Earth, is to encourage a movement of strong, empowered women and mothers who have the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions for themselves and their babies, even when faced with unexpected or difficult situations."
- Dr Robyn Thompson 🖤
Dr Robyn Thompson Reviews.
"Midwife friends...Dr Robyn Thompson has some amazing success stories. Her technique goes against everything we've been 'teaching mums'. It challenges your thinking and makes you question how much damage we may have 'helped along the way'. I've worked with Robyn when she helped a few of the women I've looked after over the years who've had issues, with amazing results!"
“As a lactation consultant I have sat with countless mothers and babies struggling and in pain as they contort into unnatural positions to feed. Using the Thompson Method, I've seen these same mothers and babies relax and enjoy a feed for the first time. This is often accompanied by an exclamation of "why wasn't I shown this before?". I share their frustration. It's time we used this as a first approach to avoid many complications and tears.”
“This wonderful midwife has made such a difference to so many midwives' practice. Thank you Dr Robyn Thompson for sharing your incredible knowledge”